January 28, 2010

Ten Things That Never Fail to Make Me Happy

I thought I was having a pretty good day.  I woke up early, went to all my classes, had a yummy lunch and dinner, applied to internships and got my first Netflix in the mail.  As the night went on, there was tons of reason for my good mood to continue.  First off, I was productive and made note cards for my test on Friday while watching the first dvd of the second season of Alias.  Then, all night long, the house kept getting the great news of wonderful girls accepting their bids.  6 GIRLS!!!!  So amazing!  Anyways, it seemed like I was having a great day and night.  There should have been no reason to be in a bad mood, but all of a sudden, it's like something just snapped.  Well, not snapped.  I didn't just turn into the Incredible Hulk.  It was more like my mood just changed into something much more mellow and sensitive than I was used too. 

You see, I'm not the type of person who has lots of big mood swings, so I was very much in denial of this and just wanted to go to bed.  But instead I helped some of my friends out and then settled into the lovely couch in the lounge to watch a couple episodes of The Office.  It kind of helped.  And then I thought, what better way to make me feel better than to list off my favorite ten things that always make me happy.  It really helped.  :)

1)  My family and friends that have known me all my life.  I love being able to gather around them, no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other and just talk as though nothing has ever changed.

2) My second family.  Pi Beta Phi and all of my wonderful sisters.  Living with 35 other girls isn't always easy, but that's the good thing about it.  They see you at your worst and they see you at your best, yet they still love you.  This is a tie that will never be broken and for that I am and will always be grateful for.

3) A certain man of mine.  :)  There are so many reasons.  No matter how I'm feeling he can always bring a smile to my face.  Whether it's the sweet things he says, or the many little gestures that show how much he cares about me.  There's nothing else like it.

4) TV on DVD.  Yes, this one seems kind of shallow after listing all those people up above.  However, I love being able to watch my favorite shows whenever I want and whatever episodes I want.  Especially when you're feeling down, it's the perfect remedy.  Not to mention, I've had lots of great bonding experiences with the people up above while watching TV on DVD. 

5) Grilled cheese.  It's gooey, it's nutritious (ha) and it's quite yummy.  Plus it's pretty much fool proof to make no matter what kind of mind set you are in.  I can never eat just one either.

6) Traveling.  I love going to new places and seeing new things.  There's always a new thrill in being exposed to new culture different than my own or getting lost. 

7) Sleep.  If I could sleep all day, I would be SO happy.  Unfortunately, I can't.  I am so busy that I take advantage of any sleep I can get and truly appreciate what it does for my body.

8) Movies.  I love throwing myself into a fictional space and time.  Laughing or crying along with a character makes me feel and think like I may not have before.  And that always makes me happy.

9) Cuddling.  There is just something that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about cuddling.  :P  Especially on a lazy or rainy day.

10) HGTV.  My ultimate guilty pleasure and a mood booster.  I love House Hunters and Property Virgins the best.  Always brings a smile to me.  :)

These are my top ten. . . for now.  It seems like they are always interchangeable and could change depending on the day.  What makes you happy?

January 27, 2010

A Copied Idea

So after much consideration, I've decided to copy many of my smart and talented friends, ie: reALIty, madiemoo and amwittry.  They all have blogs which I really enjoy reading and I admire that some of them write everyday.  I've always wanted to write more, whether it's to get out my feelings or just to dialogue with myself the day's happenings.  I thought this must be the perfect way to do, after all, all my friends are doing it.  And I must be a follower.  Or at least a companion in the world of blogging.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to use this blog for yet.  I think mostly I'm just going to use it as a way to unwind at night and trying to figure out my life.  Also, how I'm gonna get where I want to be, or even finding out where it is I want to be. 

Stay tuned for more.  :)